Drug-Free & Alcohol-Free Workplace

Alcohol & Drug Policy:

Academy of Medical Training is committed to maintaining a safe working environment and promoting a drug-free community. We wish to ensure that students/employees will be able to perform their duties safely, free from the effects of alcohol or illicit drugs in a manner that protects their interests and those of their co-workers and other students. For these reasons, Academy of Medical Training has established as a condition for all students and a condition of employment and continued employment with Academy of Medical Training the following Alcohol and Drug Policy.

The possession, use, consumption, purchase, distribution, manufacturing, or sale of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances during work hours, on School property, in the School’s vehicles, while on duty, while engaged in School activities, or while representing the School in any way whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Such conduct is also prohibited during non-working time to the extent that, in the School’s opinion, it affects an employee’s ability to perform on the job or threatens the reputation or integrity of Academy of Medical Training.

To achieve these objectives, Academy of Medical Training may perform testing to detect the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs on active employees or students. Active employees/students may be required to take such an alcohol or drug test where the student/employee occupies a safety-sensitive position, the School has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student/employee may be impaired in his or her job performance due to alcohol or drug abuse, or where the drug testing is conducted as part of an student/employee assistance program sponsored or authorized by the School in which the student/employee voluntarily participates. All drug testing will be conducted by the campus director or owner of Academy of Medical Training.  An employee/student whose test results are positive or who refuses to submit to an alcohol or drug test will be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination.

Academy of Medical Training reserves the right to inspect all portions of its premises for drugs, alcohol, or other contraband. All students, employees, contract employees, and visitors may be asked to cooperate in inspections of their persons, work areas and property that might conceal a drug, alcohol, or other contraband. Employees/students who possess such contraband or refuse to cooperate in such inspections are subject to appropriate discipline up to and including discharge.

Medical Marijuana cards ARE NOT acceptable or applicable at Academy of Medical Training. if a student arrives to school or clinical and has an odor of marijuana they will be asked to leave immediately.